2nd Quarter Report Card Evaluations

2nd Grade 2nd Quarter Evaluation

 January 2011

  Dear Parents,

            While the report card is self-explanatory in many ways, there are some areas where I wanted to provide some additional information.  This is so that you may have a better understanding of what your child is being evaluated on as a second grader, and also how your child is evaluated. You will notice that some areas will be evaluated differently as we progress through the year, becoming more difficult as we approach the spring.

            As always, I appreciate hard work of the students and you, the parents, so very much in our effort to lead your child to further progress! 

                                                          Mrs. Watts


Decodes phonemic patterns: Through word-play, white board work, spelling units, and phonics lessons, we worked with decoding both real and nonsense words.  Through the use of testing, observation, and daily work, and reading to me, your child was assessed on these skills. In particular, long vowel patterns were practiced. Understanding that "ea" makes the long e sound in a word, for example, was practiced in words such as read or in nonsense words such as meap. Other long vowel patterns were also practiced, such  as ai, ee, ay, oa, to name a few examples.


Reads on grade level: In order to receive an I on this component, your child should be reading at least on the level of a 2nd grader in the 4th month of school. This grade only measures that fact, not how much growth your child made in reading this quarter. If your child has a P, your child is reading at at least the beginning 2nd grade level.


Reads appropriate text with fluency, accuracy, and expression: If your child is able to perform this skill on at least a 2.4 level (2nd grade, 4th month of school), he or she will receive an I on the report card. If your child is showing progress in this area but is not yet to a 2.4 level, he or she will receive a P. There are also some children who may comprehend a text well, but still read it rather slow or without expression.


Uses comprehension skills and strategies to gain meaning from text: Again, your child needs to be able to comprehend 2nd grade reading materials. However, those that are showing progress in the use of comprehension strategies will receive a P.


Forms manuscript letters and numerals legibly and neatly: I based this grade on daily work and the students' journal entries, where they were reminded to write neatly as they wrote. I'd like to stress that ALL students, when asked to write the alphabet neatly on a sheet of paper, do a fantastic job. Therefore, I expect the same effort in handwriting on all daily work. This grade is not for cursive. It is for printing.


Applies spelling rules and patterns in written work: For this grade, I looked at weekly spelling tests and daily use of spelling correctly. It is still acceptable at this age to be spelling words phonemically, but if the word was a spelling word, it should be spelled correctly in daily writing.


Creates and uses a writing plan to organize a writing piece: Most students understand the concept that a good paragraph needs a topic sentence with supporting detail and examples. Students need to have the ability to create a plan for placing their ideas in writing. From there, that plan should be used correctly. Sometimes, students drift from the plan when it is time to write, and that is where the challenge can come in.



Memorizes addition facts to 20: At this point in the year, your child should be able to add any combination of the numbers 0-10. He or she should be able to do 30 random problems in 2 minutes and 30 seconds. The reason we time this skill is because your child will need to move beyond simple arithmetic into more complicated problems next year, such as three digit addition and multiplication facts. If your child is counting his or her fingers to add, it will deter from his or her ability to finish the work and also will interrupt the thinking processes that should be taking place. I will continue to evaluate all students on addition, even if mastery has been displayed. Math facts are like muscles: if one doesn't practice using them, they get lost. In fact, many were surprised when we took a time test after the December break and they had already forgotten facts! I will continue to provide time tests as an evaluation tool, but I will also provide one-on-one flashcard evaluations if I feel the time test itself is not a format that works well for your child. If your child received a P grade, he or she is close to mastery in this area and likely needs practice on the +6, +7, +8, and +9 facts.


Memorizes subtraction facts:  For second quarter, your child needed to be able to subtract 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 from the numbers 1-20 in order to receive a P.  Also, ALL answers must be 10 or less. So, I will not do 18-15 or 18-5. I will do 15-5 or 14-5 or 18-9. Eventually, we will work up to subtracting 0-10 from the numbers 1-20. Again, all answers must be 10 or less. If your child is able to subtract all the numbers 0 through 10, then an I was given. The goal for all students to get a P in this area. If your child got an I, congratulations, your child is ahead of the game!


Regroups in addition: We practiced adding two digit numbers this quarter, including those that required "carrying" the 10 to complete the problem. Some children received a P in this area because he or she forgot to carry the 10, or adding the numbers was not done carefully.


Regroups in subtraction: We began practicing this concept, and can do simple subtraction with two digit numbers. However, students are not yet displaying consistent understanding when it is time to "borrow" from the tens column. Most students received a P in this area.


Counts coins to $1.00: This component did not appear on the 1st quarter report card, although it was supposed to. It appeared this quarter, but you will notice there is an absence of a grade. The first quarter grade that you see for this skill is actually the 2nd quarter grade that I entered in the computer, and I rewrote the grade in ink for the 2nd quarter.  We do not know why these grades did not appear under the 2nd quarter column as they should have. If your child does not have an I in this area, I would provide some extra practice at home. The use of debit cards and lunch cards has reduced our kids' experiences with money in daily living, so I find in recent years that it sometimes is taking me longer than it used to to teach money!


Makes change from a $1.00: The first quarter grade was based on the ability to count coins up to a $1.00, because that did not appear on the report card. A P first quarter meant that your child could count coins and was ready to learn to make change. This quarter, we practiced several ways to make change from a $1.00. Counting up from a given point (45, 50, 75, $1.00) is a skill that some still need practice with.


Tells time to the quarter hour: If your child mastered this, an I was given. If your child cannot do this yet but can consistently tell time to the hour and ½ hour, a P was given. If your child received an N, both of these skills were an area of struggle. If your child received an N, extra practice is needed at home as well as school to master this skill.



Social Studies: Last quarter, we worked on naming the continents and oceans, and also worked on learning about the Native American cultures in our country. We created a totem pole that represents our class, made pottery like the Native Americans of the Southwest, and made writings using symbols similar to the Plains Indians. We extensively practiced naming our town, state, country, and continent. If your child was able to name these items correctly, an I was given. If not, a P was given.


Science: In science class, we covered the three basic forms of matter (solid, liquid, and gas). We also learned about the scientific method of doing an experiment. Due to colds and flu season, I did a small unit on germs and the importance and procedure of good hand washing. I gave a quiz regarding the most important concepts covered this quarter. Those that scored 90% or more received an I. All are at least progressing by taking part in the activities.

              Thank you for your assistance the first semester. I know how hard it can be to balance your work and also provide the attention needed to your child. Ensuring your child is reading at home, practicing those math facts, and helping your child to remember to get that paper back to school is a big job, but I also know it's one we all find so rewarding. Continue to praise and encourage your child. All the kids worked hard!                                                           

                                                      Thank you,

                                                      Mrs. Watts