January calendar

January Important Dates

January 7: Report cards come home. It's popcorn Friday! Happy 1/2 birthday, Cooper!

January 10: PTO meeting in the library at 7:00pm.

January 14: Teacher professional development. No school.

January 17: Martin Luther King Day. No school.

January 18: Hawthorne Night at Sparky's BBQ.

January 19: Happy 1/2 birthday, Grant!

January 21: Happy 1/2 birthday, Rebecca!

January 23: Happy 1/2 birthday, Nathan!

January 28: Book orders due.

January 31: One book log due.

Welcome back, everyone! I hope you enjoyed your break and had a wonderful Christmas. We are ready to jump back into learning! I will send home a newsletter later in the week that will detail more about this month's activities in the classroom. 

Report cards: These will come home this Friday, the 7th. To save paper, I am creating a document that will go over the skills tested this quarter and how they were evaluated and I am posting it on our classroom website. Read on for more on our website on the back of this page. 

½ Birthdays: I like to give all kids a chance to celebrate a birthday at school by being on the morning announcements. If you would like to send treats, this is fine and is always optional. 

The January book logs: I like to have things easiest for parents, and many of you have requested that I keep the book log in the take-home folder like I did the first month. No problem, we can return to that. Please leave it in this folder each day. Also, while on the subject, if your child would like a different take-home folder, he or she can use any color but yellow. Your child can use a red or blue one from school (that was purchased with the school supplies at the beginning of the year) or can use one with pictures or designs. Just have your child bring me the folder so I can put a name on it. 

Website: Our classroom website is available with handy information. I have deleted old information from the first semester and put on some new information, including first names of our students for Valentine cards, our report card goals, 2nd quarter evaluation procedures, and the January newsletter. I still have the Scholastic book order information on the site if you need that. The address is athena.educatorpages.com.